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Atlanta’s annual seminar and banquet celebrating Hatsumi Soke’s birthday

This Atlanta tradition goes back over 40 years and was the first Bujinkan seminar of its kind in the west, inviting all instructors in attendance to teach and share their perspective on the art — with the same spirit, camaraderie, great training, and celebration of Dr. Hatsumi and the Bujinkan, along with a few awards, slideshow or videos from the year — and, of course, a great time socializing with friends!

The training

We hold the seminar itself during the day, with a dinner and party that night. Training is held at the dojo. You never know what the various instructors will be sharing, so be prepared with the gear you bring. This is a great chance to see perspectives and ideas from different instructors and practitioners, and we hope you can join us!

The party

After the seminar, it’s time to eat, to socialize, share old stories and older jokes, and remember good times throughout the year. There are always some awards and presentations, and it’s a great time to be with friends. You can also bring a significant other if you like, and give them the chance to meet and hang out with the people you spend so much time with.